Community capacity building is about promoting the potential of local communities to develop, implement and sustain their own solutions to problems in a way that helps them shape and exercise control over their physical, social, economic and cultural environment.

Below is a breakdown of some of our team’s measurable accomplishments over the past year:

  • 5k+ small business owners have completed the online training program
  • Over 125 Digital Service Squad members have joined us in building capacity across the province
  • Program presence has been established in 300+ cities across Ontario
  •  More than 5,000 face-to-face consultation meetings with small business owners to provide support, guidance, and facilitation services

From all of our Squad members across the province to all of the businesses who trusted us to provide support and guidance – Thank you!

It has been my privilege to work as a Coordinator with the ‘Digital Main Street’ team in 2019.